Animal love alone is not enough to practice sustainable animal welfare. Collecting abandoned animals does not change the situation on the streets of Koh Chang and Thailand. You have to get to the root of the problem. Therefore we invest a lot of energy, time and money in castrations and in education. And we do this on an equal footing with the local population, because we need the help and understanding of the locals from Koh Chang. Animal welfare has to be done in a thoughtful and sustainable way. And this is what we do. 


get to the root of the problem

Kastrieren & retournieren

For us, spay / neutering and return is the most important task when dealing with overall animals protection on Koh Chang.


Rabies and Distemper are very bad diseases which unfortunately still exists in Thailand. Koh Chang and the Trat district have so far been rabies-free. However, it is important to make arrangements to keep it that way.

The ultimate goal of vaccination is to eliminate rabies and distemper in Thailand.

As cute as they are - small, unwanted street puppies have no future worth living!

Each spayed/neutered animal is entered in a database. Here you can follow our sterilizations. Enter

You can spay/neuter your animal for free in the "Koh Chang Animal Clinic" in Klong Prao if you do not have the money for castration. Please make an appointment with Dr. Tookta Wipavee. Phone 082-714 15 82

Spenden Sie mit PayPal

Die Strassenhunde und Katzen brauchen Ihre Hilfe!

However much you choose to donate, you can trust that your generous gift will always be used in the most efficient way possible to help the maximum number of animals which are in need.

Die Kastration eines Tieres kostet THB 600.--
Mit Ihren Spenden helfen Sie uns im Kampf gegen die Überpopulation ungewollter Strassentiere.

Werden Sie ein Kastrationsengel und helfen Sie uns die Situation in Koh Chang nachhaltig zu verbessern. So unterbinden Sie Elend, bevor es überhaupt entsteht.

Animal Welfare Koh Chang
Koh Chang
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